Posts tagged Autism
Virtual Workshop: Supporting Diverse Learning Needs in the PBL Classroom

As a teacher, when you receive your class list and see the many varied learning needs of the students in your care for the year, it can be pretty daunting. Especially when project-based learning is the primary mode of instruction. In addition to the usual requirements for differentiation for often vastly varied literacy levels and academic abilities, PBL throws up some distinct challenges for teachers (and the students themselves!). The requirement to work as a team can typically be daunting to many students with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, the noise levels of an active classroom can also be distracting. Meanwhile, students with anxiety may struggle with standing up and presenting to the class or other experts.

Join us to understand how students with diverse learning needs can be supported by teachers to thrive in the PBL classroom and become confident, active members of their team.

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