Salesian College, Sunbury, VIC

"As educators, we strive to equip our students with both the knowledge and the skills required for success in today’s rapidly changing world. We believe that learning should be active, authentic and applicable to the world beyond the classroom.

To achieve this, we use a project based learning (PBL) approach in Years 7 to 9. This approach is very different from “doing projects” or simple inquiry tasks. Using the New Tech Network model of PBL, projects are purposefully scaffolded to ensure curriculum standards are properly addressed, while providing for rich, open-ended driving questions that allow for creativity and student choice. 

Community connections and replicating the adult world of work are essential elements of PBL, providing opportunities to be exposed experiences that broaden our students’ perspectives and raise their expectations of what they can achieve in their lives. In this way, we develop students who are well-prepared to contribute to our community as “active citizens and good Christians” into the future."